Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Embassy Suites by Hilton
Round Rock, TX
Event Highlights
- Earn up to 6 hours of continuing education (CE) credits for PT, PTA, OT, COTA, ATP
- Network with industry professionals
- Exhibit hall with the latest assistive technology
- Breakfast and lunch provided
The rate is: $69 for up to 6 CE credits

7:00am - 7:45am: Registration
7:45am - 8:00am: Kick-off
8:00am - 12:00pm: Education Courses
12:00pm - 1:00pm: Lunch
1:00pm - 5:00pm: Education Courses
The Supplier Exhibit Hall will be open throughout the day
with 2 hours of unopposed exhibit hall time.
Click here for full event schedule.
Adaptive Technologies from Birth to Adult
Seating & Positioning
Therapeutic Interventions
Wheelchair Configurations
Funding & Documentation Best Practices
Physical Therapists
Occupational Therapists
Care Coordinators
Home Health Staff
Group Home Staff
Case Managers
Purchasing Agents
Physicians and Nurses
Continuing Education Courses
Explore the course offerings. You can pick & choose the classes you'd like to attend.
Using Tilt Bases for Pressure, Posture, Function, and Participation
0.1 CEU / TPTA & TOTA pending
Presented by: Karla Sonderland, MS, ORT/L
Sunrise Medical
The seat to back angle or a posterior, anterior, or lateral tilt can be incorporated into a seating system to provide increased opportunities for pressure relief, postural support, function, and participation. What benefits does an increased or decreased seat to back angle provide? When should it be adjustable? What are the benefits of fixed seat to back angles? What about tilt? How and why are tilt incorporated into a rider’s day? This session provides an overview of how tilt and seat to back angle recommendations can be incorporated into a stroller, dependent, or manual tilt wheelchair system. Available evidence and rider experiences will be shared to illustrate interventions focusing on seat to back angle and tilt.
Pediatric Complex Rebab Technology: Assessment, Recommendation, and Function
0.1 CEU / TPTA & TOTA pending
Presented by: Melissa Tally, PT, MPT, ATP
Adaptive Imports
Positioning children with complex needs is more than just providing smaller versions of adult equipment. One of the biggest differences between pediatric versus adult seating is accommodating growth. Not just physical growth, but also providing support to allow the child to engage in play activities. Play activities are necessary for cognitive, social, and emotional growth as well. This course will provide an overview of the considerations that differentiate pediatric versus adult seating and discuss potential seating system interventions to address the pediatric client’s needs.
Positioning for Participation and Function: 24-hour Postural Support
0.1 CEU / TPTA & TOTA approved
Presented by: Karla Sonderland, MS, OTR/L
Sunrise Medical
This course is designed for clinicians to enhance their knowledge and clinical application of the subject matter. A 24-hour postural care program provides for seating and mobility intervention as well as when the individual is not in the wheelchair. This session addresses options for alternative positioning, toileting, bathing, and sleeping. Physiological and anatomical theoretical principles will be addressed incorporating how equipment can address an individual's postural needs.
The Art of Documenting and Quoting Complex Rehab Equipment for Authorization
0.1 CEU / TPTA & TOTA pending
Presented by: Melissa Tally, PT, MPT, ATP
Adaptive Imports
Learning Objectives
- Learner will Summarize the standard requirements of a Complex Rehab Equipment Evaluation.
- The learner will be able to Explain and Defend Medical Justification of the CRT recommendation based on evaluation findings and medical diagnoses
- The learner will be able to generate a comprehensive LOMN to support funding authorization of recommended equipment.
- The learner will understand HCPC consideration when formulating equipment quote to support evaluation recommendation and optimal funding reimbursement for the patient.
Unlocking Mobility - Strategies for Optimal Drive Control with Alternative Drive Controls
0.1 CEU / TPTA & TOTA pending
Presented by: Thomas Halka, MOT, OTR, ATP
During this 1-hour CEU, we will discuss for individuals with limited physical abilities, a power mobility device that serves as a gateway to independent movement and environmental control. The success of using such a device, hinges on the user’s connection to it, their ability to operate the power wheelchair effectively, and ultimately, their confidence in achieving their mobility goals. During this course, clinicians and providers will gain valuable insights into evaluating, selecting, and configuring appropriate input devices for functional power wheelchair mobility. We will discuss client-specific factors and clinical considerations that influence drive control choices, exploring both proportional and non-proportional drive systems. Through practical examples and clinical applications, we’ll define essential parameters and discuss terminology relevant to a wide range of commercially available power wheelchairs and alternative drive controls. Actual client case studies will illustrate potential alternative drive solutions to optimize functional outcomes.
Immerse Yourself: The Science of Skin Protection
0.1 CEU / TPTA & TOTA pending
Presented by: Stephanie Tanguay, OT/L, ATP
Invacare/ Motion Concepts
Appropriate technology application can greatly enhance the functional outcomes for clients who utilize seating and wheeled mobility systems. Once the mat assessment is completed, it is necessary to interpret that data and convert it to equipment selection & configuration. Common seated postures will be presented, and the principles of accommodation or reduction of orthopedic changes will be presented. Considerations for the selection of seat cushions and back supports with a goal of maximizing consumer function will be reviewed using a clinical approach.
Client Centered Prescriptions
0.1 CEU / TPTA & TOTA pending
Presented by: Christie Hamstra, PT, MSPT, DPT, ATP
Motion Composites
There are many elements that come into play when prescribing a wheelchair, and it can be difficult to make sure you are truly staying client-centered. This presentation will review the process of a wheelchair prescription while managing the client, therapist, dealer and funding sources interests. We will review therapeutic models and professional standards, which highlight the therapist’s goals and responsibility as well as strategies to manage all priorities and opinions.
Small Clients, Big Decisions: Approaches in Pediatric Seating
0.1 CEU / TPTA & TOTA pending
Presented by: Stephanie Tanguay, OT/L, ATP
Invacare/Motion Concepts
It took a very long time for children’s wheelchairs to become commercially available. Once they did, there were still no ‘off the shelf’ wheelchair seating components available in pediatric sizes. The last 30 years have brought amazing variations to the seating & mobility market. Both manual and powered mobility devices are made in size ranges to accommodate pediatric, adult & bariatric consumer. Likewise, seat surface and back support products are available in a wide range of sizes. True pediatric ‘off the shelf’ seat and back supports allow early intervention which can reduce the development of orthopedic deformities, provide lighter weight options to enhance self-propulsion and offer lower cost options with the benefit of modularity. ‘Planar’ seating components allow custom configured interventions for children whose needs cannot be met with an ‘off-the-shelf’ solution. Molded seating products are often the highest cost and are utilized when the consumers’ needs cannot be met with other interventions.
Clinically Speaking: The Power of Prevention
0.1 CEU / TPTA & TOTA pending
Presented by: Alex Chesney, OTR, ATP/SMS
Quantum Rehab
Individuals with chronic medical conditions and long-term disabilities who have a permanent need for a wheelchair require a comprehensive, detailed evaluation of their physical, functional and environmental needs to allow clinicians and ATP suppliers to make appropriate Assistive Technology recommendations for a successful outcome.
This course will examine the clinical decision-making process and algorithmic approach to mobility assistive equipment trial and recommendation. This course will also serve as a review of preventative therapeutic use of powered seating features that allow end user increased independence not only in daily activities but also in the importance of medical management when caregiver and therapy resources may be limited. The use of powered features will be reviewed in regard to management of frequent co-morbidities and medical conditions such as: orthostatic hypotension, edema, contracture/tone management, pressure injury prevention, and the application of positioning components that can aid in decreased the complications of skeletal deformities over time. Many times, end users may be overlooked for their potential of meeting power wheelchair criteria that could provide them increased functional independence and control within their environments and to help be a part of preventing further medical complications. It is known that over 60,000 people in the United States die each year form pressure injuries alone and we know that utilization of pressure re-distribution for those lacking sensation and independent mobility can reduce this by giving the user control of their repositioning.
Transportation of Children with Special Needs: Current Guidelines, Standards and Adaptive Equipment Options
0.1 CEU / TPTA & TOTA approved / CPST approved
Presented by: TBD
This course reviews updates on current guidelines of transporting children with special needs per the 2019 American Academy of Pediatric Policy Statement. Various child restraint options including infant car beds, vests, car seats, and booster seats will be presented as options for infants and children with special needs including those with risk of airway obstruction, tracheostomy, muscle tone abnormalities, gastrointestinal issues, casts and challenging behavior. Case studies will be presented to reinforce clinical application of various restraints. Additionally, the importance and necessary components of hospital-based multi-disciplinary child passenger safety programs will also be discussed as a means to increase child safety and prevent delays in hospital discharges.
For children with disabilities who are unable to transfer from their wheelchair when traveling in motor vehicles, and the wheelchair serves as the vehicle seating system a thorough review of ANSI/RESNA and ISO safety standards and transit compliance will be presented. This includes selection of appropriate transit options for wheelchairs (WC19) and seating systems (WC20), as well as securing the wheelchair in the vehicle (WC18) using Wheelchair Tie-down and Occupant Restraint Systems (WTORS).
Pediatric Positioning: Facilitating Growth and Play
0.1 CEU / TPTA & TOTA pending
Presented by: Alex Chesney, OTR, ATP/SMS
Quantum Rehab
Positioning children with complex needs is more than just providing smaller versions of adult equipment. One of the biggest differences between pediatric versus adult seating is accommodating growth. Not just physical growth, but also providing support to allow the child to engage in play activities. Play activities are necessary for cognitive, social, and emotional growth as well. This course will provide an overview of the considerations that differentiate pediatric versus adult seating and discuss potential seating system interventions to address the pediatric client’s needs.
Are Adjustable Cushions Better?
0.1 CEU / TPTA & TOTA pending
Presented by: TBD
Many consider adjustable wheelchair cushions to be the ultimate solution for clients at high risk of pressure injuries. However, they may not be fully aware of what defines an adjustable wheelchair cushion, how the technology works, and what it should accomplish when properly constructed, adjusted, and used. Every interaction between an individual and a different cushion is a unique result of those two specific variables at that point in time. Can you know whether a specific adjustable cushion can be properly adjusted for any individual’s seating needs without trialing it first? Further, can you determine the proper adjustment prior to trial? Over time, will the adjustable characteristics of the cushion be able to accommodate changes in clients’ needs? Should a good adjustable cushion offer the adjustment needed to properly fit at initial issue, as well as the ability to adjust as an individual’s needs change?
Embassy Suites Round Rock
270 Bass Pro Drive
Round Rock, TX 78665
(512) 308-3883